Privacy Policy



Monoverse USA (“”, hereafter "Company") is dedicated to protecting your personal information and informing you about how we use your information. This Privacy Policy applies to Company-owned websites (including, Company mobile applications available for download on a third party mobile store, any related components or services ("Services", and the content we make available. This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with our other legal agreements with you. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as we may revise it from time to time. If you do not agree with or accept our


Privacy Policy in its entirety, you must not access or use the Services. If you use the Services following a change to the terms of this Privacy Policy you agree to accept the revised policies


  1. Information Collected

We collect personally identifiable information ("PII") that may be submitted, collected via your interactions with the Services, or through the use of tracking technology including cookies.PII is either submitted or collected and is described as follows:


3.‍ PII Submitted    

You will not be required to provide us any information when you use our Services. When you submit a request for us to contact you or you create an account we may collect PII such as your email and social media information provided by your login with third party platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Google, and Apple. If you log in to our websites or online services via a third party site, such as Facebook, that site may pass information to us, such as user ID, name associated with the ID, email address and location, plus other information as described in that website's privacy policy. We may also return information about you to that social networking site regarding your log in, such as which of our websites and apps you visit and use, and your use of social media services on those websites and apps. Where you submit information in this manner you consent that we may contact you via the PII provided.


4.‍ PII Collected  

  1. Name and tag set by the user
    2. Customer support records (chat records, e-mail, SNS PII, etc.)
    3. Additional information from participating in surveys and marketing
    4. Personal information required for event participation and gift giving
    5. Other information that the user has agreed to can be used for only those purposes
    6. The company can collect information about the devices that users use to access the service (mobile device information, OS information, country, IP address and mobile device identification information, ad ID (ADID, IDFA).
    7. The company can collect information through cookies and similar technologies
    8. Data received and information permitted to use by linking the service with a third-party tool (Facebook, Google, etc.)
    9. Information provided by the platform or payment service provider (payment verification information, etc.)
    10. Ads and surveys used for the purpose of analyzing and providing better experience to the user
    11. Prevention of fraudulent use and unauthorized access by members: IP information, service usage records, access logs, visit timestamps, records of improper usage, date and time information set on the device


  1. Use of Your Information

We use your PII for the following purposes:


  1. To provide any services offered.
  2. To enhance or improve our users' experiences.
  3. To to contact you via email or other electronic communications where you have an inquiry.
  4. To share your information with third party partners for marketing and analytic purposes or third parties hired by us to perform functions and provide services to us subject to the obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy and on the condition that the third parties use your information only on our behalf and pursuant to our instructions.


  1. Accessing, Editing, and Removing Your Information

If you have any questions or wish to review, remove, change, or access any of your information collected by us, please contact us Any requests to delete or modify information shall be subject to our right to retain such information for business or legal purposes.


  1. Use Of Cookies And Similar Technologies

Cookies are pieces of information that a website stores on your computer when visiting a website. Cookies can also be used by the company to collect data about users, and may be used to send data between the company and users in accordance with policies. Users can choose to turn off all cookie settings, or have the computer alert the user whenever they are sent through browser settings. Each browser has a slightly different setting method, so look at the browser's help menu to learn how to set your cookie settings. Turning off cookies may prevent access to many features that can make the guest environment more efficient, and some services may not work properly. The Internet Protocol ("IP") address is a unique number assigned to the server or Internet service provider ("ISP"). The IP addresses can be tracked by the company for system management, statistical reporting, site tracking, security, or to prevent server abuse.


  1. Third Party Access to Your Information

Although you are entering into an Agreement with Company to disclose your information to us, we do use third party individuals and organizations to assist us, including contractors, web hosts, marketers, customer service organizations, and others to allow you to access the Platform.


9 . Law Enforcement

You agree that we may disclose your information to authorities if compelled to by a court order. Additionally, you agree that we may disclose your information if we reasonably believe that you have violated United States' federal and state laws, the terms of any legal agreements you have with us or our Privacy Policy, or if we believe that a third party is at risk of bodily or economic harm. In the event that we receive a subpoena affecting your privacy, we may elect to notify you to give you an opportunity to file a motion to quash the subpoena, or we may attempt to quash it ourselves, but we are not obligated to do either. We may also proactively report you and release your information without receiving any request to third parties where we believe that it is proper to do so for legal reasons, where your actions violate any law of the United States or any other country having jurisdiction over us, our Services, or our Privacy Policy. You release us from any damages that may arise from or relate to the release of your information to a request from law enforcement agencies or private litigants. We may release your information under the conditions listed in this paragraph whether it is to individuals or entities and to any state or federal authorities, as required.


  1. Opt Out of Commercial, Non-Commercial Communications and Do Not Track

If you decide to provide us with your contact information, you agree that we may send you communications via text and emails where you have opted into such communications. However, you may unsubscribe from certain communications by notifying us that you no longer wish to receive these communications, we will endeavor to promptly remove you once we have received that request. We currently do not offer functionality for you to opt out through "do not track" listings as no DNT standard has been adopted.


  1. Third Parties

Our website or mobile apps may have links to third party websites, which may include information that we have no control over. When accessing a third party site through our website or mobile apps, you acknowledge that you are aware that these third party websites are not screened for privacy or security issues by us, and you release us from any liability for the conduct of these third party websites. We bear no responsibility for the information collected or used by any advertiser or third party website. You must review such third parties terms of use or privacy policy to understand how their information collection practices work.


  1. Security Measures

We make reasonable attempts to protect your information by using physical and electronic safeguards such as data encryption, user authentication, password verification, and physical barriers. However, as this is the Internet, we can make no guarantees as to the security or privacy of your information. For this reason, we recommend that you use anti-virus software, routine electronic security checks, firewalls, and other precautions to protect yourself from security and privacy threats.


  1. Your California Privacy Rights

We permit residents of the State of California to use its Services, and complies with the California Business and Professions Code §§ 22575-22579. If you are a California resident you may request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to any third parties for their direct marketing purposes. Various provisions throughout this Privacy Policy address requirements of the Californian privacy statutes. Although we do not disseminate your information to third parties without permission, you must presume that we collect electronic information from all visitors. You may contact us with any questions.


  1. Age Compliance

We intend to fully comply with American and international laws respecting children's privacy including COPPA. Therefore, we do not collect or process any information for any persons under the age of 13. If you are under 13 and use our Services, please stop immediately and do not submit any information to us. In the event that we have inadvertently collected any information from users under the age of 13, please contact us immediately.


  1. International Transfer

Your information may be transferred to - and maintained on - computers located outside of your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer. PII that is submitted to us will be collected, processed, stored, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with applicable U.S. law and this policy. If you are a non-U.S. member, you acknowledge and agree that we may collect and use your PII and disclose it to other entities outside your resident jurisdiction. In addition, such information may be stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction. U.S. law may not provide the degree of protection for information that is available in other countries.


  1. Merger and Acquisition

In the event that we are involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, your information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction. Please be aware that once the information is transferred, your privacy rights may change.


  1. Amendments

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we amend this Privacy Policy, we will modify the date listed or we may contact you. You must agree to the amendments as a condition of your continued use of our Services. If you do not agree, you must immediately cease using our Services.


  1. Privacy Notice for European Citizens

We respect the rights of persons living within the European Economic Community (EEC) and the rights afforded to them under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the sections 16-22 are referred to as our Privacy Notice and address additional privileges that EEC users may have under our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Notice explains how we shall assist our users who live within the EEC.


| Legal Rights | Your Rights Under the GDPR | | --- | --- | | The right to be informed | Company wishes to keep you informed as to what we do with your personal information. We strive to be transparent about how we use your data. | | The right to access | You have the right to access your information at any time. | | The right to rectification | If the information Company holds about you is inaccurate or not complete, you have the right to ask us to rectify it. If that data has been passed to a third party with your consent or for legal reasons, then we must also ask them to rectify the data. | | The right to erasure | Sometimes called 'the right to be forgotten'. You have the right to request that Company to erase all your PII. | | The right to restrict processing | You have the right to ask Company to restrict how we process your data. This means we are permitted to store the data but not further process it. We will only keep enough data to ensure that we can accommodate any additional requests. | | The right to data portability | Company must allow you to port and reuse your PII for your own purposes across different platforms. This right only applies to PII that you have provided to us as a data controller. | | The right to object | You have the right to object to Company processing your data even if our processing is due to legitimate purposes as described in our Privacy Notice | | The right to withdraw consent | If you have given us your consent to process your data but change your mind later, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and Company must stop processing your data. |


If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have questions about any of these rights please contact us at the information listed below.


  1. Legitimate Purposes for Collecting Your PII

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice "personal data" as defined under the GDPR shall mean PII as defined in this Privacy Policy. The following are the specific legitimate purposes that we may use your PII for:



Please be aware that all legitimate purposes will be taken with minimal amounts of additional processing. Aside from the purposes listed, we may share your information where investigations or a legal dispute has occurred in accordance with our Privacy Policy (Legal Obligation).


  1. Basis for Data Processing

Your PII is processed by Company manually and/or using our tools and third party providers as described in this Notice. Company shall process such PII for specific purposes and only where there is a specific legal basis for doing as described above in Section 19.


  1. Retention of Personal Information

We will only retain your PII for as long as required and proportionate to the use of your PII. We will keep your personal information:



Where you have requested modification or deletion of your PII, we may keep just enough of your personal information to ensure that we comply with your requests not use your personal information or comply with your right to erasure subject to any legal obligations or legitimate interests. If you require additional details regarding the retention of your PII please contact us.


  1. Security and Transfer of PII Outside of the EEC

Your PII is subject to the security provisions found within this Privacy Policy and the security measures we take are in line with industry standards. When you submit PII to us your PII may be transferred and stored in the Republic of Korea. In order to facilitate such a transfer under the GDPR, we rely on EU Standard Contractual Clauses ("SCCs" also called Model Clauses) published by the European Commission to protect your PII. These are standard form data export agreements that have been approved by the European Commission as a lawful basis for transferring PII to non-EEA countries like the USA.By submitting any PII to us you agree to be bound the SCCs (which are integrated into this Privacy Policy).


  1. Sharing of Data with Third Parties

We may disclose your personal information to a third party as described below subject to the legitimate purpose as specified within the Privacy Notice. We have entered into agreements (including but not limited to Data Protection Agreements) with all third parties that we disclose your personal information to and they are prohibited from selling such personal information.


We share your PII with the following third parties:


| Data Processor | Purpose of Sharing | Privacy Policy | | --- | --- | --- | | Google | Use of the Services; Training and Improvements | | | Naver Cloud Platform | Use of the Services; Service and Analytics || | Facebook | Use of the Services; Direct and Third Party Marketing; Contract Administration | | | Various Ad Network Provider | Use of the Services; Direct and Third Party Marketing; Training and Improvements | Varies based on provider | | Amazon | Use of the Services | |


All Data Processors have entered into binding agreements with us that respect your rights under the GDPR.


  1. Data Controller Information

If you are an EEC resident and you have any questions regarding your rights under this Notice or wish to exercise any rights as enumerated under the GDPR, please contact us or


Monoverse USA – Data Privacy Officer 13175 Marina Way, Woodbridge, VA 22191 USA


Please label any email communications with the title "GDPR Request".


  1. How We Collect Your Personal Information

We may collect your personal information in the following ways: (1) directly from your submission of such personal information; and/or (2) indirectly from your use of the Services or observing your actions or interactions with the Services.


  1. Use of Personal Information

We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the following purposes:

We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.


  1. Sharing Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to a third party for a business purpose, as required, so that we may provide you with access to the Services, allow you to interact with the Services, and to understand how you use our Services.