Game Play
What is Dominion?
- Dominion is a 3v3 mode where the first team to capture the designated area and earn four points wins.
- Once you have captured a Dominion Point, you will earn points as time passes.
- You can capture a Dominion Point once all opponents have been removed.
- You can only earn your last point once all opponents have been removed from the Dominion Point.
- You can find more information on the SMASH LEGENDS Library.
What is Competitive Match?
- Competitive Match is a seasonal ladder where Smashers compete with each other to increase their tier and earn rewards.
- How Competitive Match Works
- Maps are selected randomly before matches begin.
- 6 players take turns picking Legends, and no player can pick the same Legend.
- Players are divided based on their tier scores and can earn special rewards based on their tiers.
- For details on Competitive Match, please read the “SMASH LEGENDS Library”.
What is Duel?
- Duel is a 1v1 mode where you must eliminate your opponent three times in a limited time before they do to win.
- You can find more information on the SMASH LEGENDS Library.
What is Team Deathmatch Mode?
- This is a 3 vs. 3 team game mode where the team that scores 10 points first by defeating the opposing team wins.
- Each time you defeat a foe, you score 1 point.
- The team that scores 10 points first wins.
What is Touchdown mode?
- In touchdown mode, two teams compete to push the escort target all the way to their opponent's end zone.
- There are 2 sub-modes in Touchdown mode that differ in the number of players and escort targets.
- Team Touchdown: A total of 6 Smashers play a 3 vs 3 team fight in escorting 2 targets.
- Duo Touchdown: A total of 4 Smashers play a 2 vs 2 team fight in escorting 1 target.
- To learn more about each mode, please check the links.
What is Battle Royale?
- Battle Royale is a single player mode where you battle other players until only one person is left. Finish first place through fourth place to win.
- You can find more information on the SMASH LEGENDS Library.
What is MVP?
- At the end of the match, the player with the most MVP points is the MVP.
- In Battle Royale, it is the first player.
- In Duel, it is the winning player.
- You can earn MVP points performing actions to win the match, such as, defeating opponents or dealing damage.
- When the game ends, You can show off your skill through the MVP spotlight.
I want to check my Battle Log.
- If you tap the [Profile] button on the left side of the Lobby followed by the [Battle Log] button, you can find your Battle Log.
- In the Battle Log, You can view your last 30 matches and watch replays of each of those matches.
- *Information found in Battle Log
- Game W/D/L
- Mode/Map Info
- Other players’ Legends and Abilities
- Time passed after game ended